The redesign of New Zealand’s National War Memorial Park in Wellington was a large and complex project that involved creating a culturally significant, large public space over a State Highway 1 inner city underpass in time for Pukeahu Landing to be the centrepiece of the country’s official ANZAC Centennial Commemorations on 25 April 2015.
The Memorial Park Alliance was formed in 2012 to deliver this high-profile, nationally important, complex project on time and in a challenging environment. The design and construct project included the construction of the new Arras Tunnel – a ‘cut-and-cover’ structure to underground a section of SH1, allowing the creation of Pukeahu Landing above.
The Memorial Park Alliance (MPA) comprised Downer, HEB, Tonkin + Taylor (T+T), and AECOM. T+T provided specialist engineering, design, and environmental services.
T+T’s contribution included project governance, alliance establishment and management expertise, design management, civil, geotechnical, geometric design, and CAD management.
T+T led planning, geometric design, civil design (including water, stormwater and wastewater design), geotechnical engineering (including retaining wall design), environmental engineering and ‘temporary traffic management’ components. T+T was also directly involved in establishing and maintaining the high-performing and collaborative alliance team.
Pukeahu National Memorial Park was delivered to NZTA and the Ministry for Culture & Heritage before time, and under budget prompting NZTA to publicly say, “it has been our most successful alliance to date. The MPA has demonstrated how successfully we can deliver in very challenging circumstances”.