Australasian Coasts & Ports 2021 Conference, Christchurch
The Ōpōtiki Harbour Development Project involves stabilising the entrance of the Waioeka River to allow reliable and safe access for maritime activity. This project is the first major river training works to be designed in New Zealand in over 100 years and involves construction of twin 400 m long training wall breakwaters, dredging a navigable channel into the Harbour, and closing the natural river mouth. Show more…The design solution chosen involves conventional rubble mound breakwaters armoured with Hanbar concrete armour units and includes a wide rock armoured toe apron. Design of the Harbour entrance breakwaters has involved a complex process of defining both coastal and river design parameters that input into the detailed design of the structures. Key aspects of both coastal and river processes were modelled numerically and physically with the results of the modelling feeding into the detailed design of the structures. Data obtained from site investigations was used to inform and calibrate the modelling and design decisions alongside predicted climatic changes to the coastal and river hydrology over the design life of the structures. Compared to the engineers of 100 years ago we have a greater understanding of the construction environment and more design tools, however this creates additional challenges. This paper discusses how the respective models were used to calibrate and evaluate the design parameters from both coastal and river processes. It also discusses some of the design philosophy and decisions made during detailed design particularly in relation to design wave height and the effects of waves against currents, the choice of KD value for stability design of the armour units, calibration of the calculated and modelled wave overtopping flows, requirements and feasibility for ground improvements, and the design philosophy behind the choice of toe apron design..Show less…